  • jantapw
  • My topic Stuck with Account Verify, ...
  • I am stuck with account verify, its getting failed. These are the errors I am getting: With Mobile method: Your account need email verify, but email is incorrect With desktop method and clear old cookies: Check failed, reason unknown error And these errors are instant, as soon I start the check account method, its not even waiting for few seconds. Username, email, password, phone number.. everything is correct in account settings I have manually logged into my chrome browser with proxy, and its working fine. but unable to pass login through TAP4 Check Account option. Weg agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0 Mobile agent: Android (8/3.2.2; 240dpi; 600x1024; samsung; GT-I9000M; GT-I9000M; smdkc110; en_US)
  • 2019-02-02 04:09