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MarketerBrowser - All videos on it

ReplyThanks 2018/05/02 17:54:59 3 0

Introduction to MarketerBrowser

This video talks about the introduction to MarketerBrowser, including its interface, basic functions and basic settings...

How to make and use a customized module

Hi! Do you know how to make and use a customized module in MarketerBrowser? If you still don't know, this is what you need!!!

How to add UserAgent and Proxy in MarketerBrowser

How to add UserAgent and Proxy in MarketerBrowser?? A simple video with some simple settings for you!

How to manage Group and Account?

How to manage Group and Account in MarketerBrowser? This video will tell you everything about it!

How to manage Proxy and UserAgent in MarketerBrowser

Do you know how to manage Proxy and UserAgent in MarketerBrowser??? Well let me tell you... THE SECRET IS IN THIS VIDEO!

2018/05/10 14:45:58
how could i download this program?
2018/05/10 17:07:29
2 # realsurfing 2018/5/10 14:45:58
how could i download this program?

We haven't released it. Please wait for the news.

You can follow our official Twitter account to know the release date in time.

2018/09/16 12:33:52
Can I post my blogs with the software automatically after setting post time on my server???
2018/09/17 11:36:31
4 # persiontoef 2018/9/16 12:33:52
Can I post my blogs with the software automatically after setting post time on my server???

I am sorry, it cannot post blogs at your settled time.

Is there any other thing we can do for you?

2018/09/20 19:26:40
Can you post blog with it of https://www.livejournal.com
2018/09/22 17:56:02
6 # persiontoef 2018/9/20 19:26:40
Can you post blog with it of https://www.livejournal.com

i will talk this with the programmer. Please wait for the news.

2018/09/26 18:08:18
6 # persiontoef 2018/9/20 19:26:40
Can you post blog with it of https://www.livejournal.com

Sorry for the late reply. you can manually post the blog in this software.

bad melvin
2019/12/11 09:30:16

I download trial version last week and the instructional videos above don't match what I have. For example some proxies options aren't on the menu. Other screens look different in my version. My question: Is this video current with the current version I downloaded on Dec 4th? If not, can you please post the most current link for the correct instructions? I have everything working the trial version except the proxy. Browser still shows my IP. I would like to buy this but need to see it working.

Thank You

2019/12/12 17:18:32

Have you checked your proxy before using? If not, you'd better ask your provider to check for you.

We are preparing the latest video and will put on our Youtube channel, you could subscribe.


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