Vladimir 2016/08/31 13:24:54 0 0
Just paid for the product but when i input the given serial number to login to Botchief  Developer it tells me I input an invalid serial number.
hoverboard 2016/07/27 07:53:09 1 0
I 've got a new install of Windows 10 and when I install and try to run the Whitebox app all it does is appear in the task manager.  I don't have any icons that are added to the task bar or in the section where the icons are next to the clock.  I forget what that area is called.  How do I get this to work?
robert 2016/04/04 19:45:21 1 0
There are not enough telling me how to do stuff and the ones that have the robot voice, I cannot even watch.  Poking around and trying to figure out how to make everything work is not fun at all.  I need to know how to get my public proxies to load a proxy and when the task is done running I need to know where all of the login and account data is stored.  I cannot figure out either!  Maybe build some help list for every command and explain how it works and how to use it. ...
Clockworkphotography 2015/10/10 20:55:53 0 0
I am unable to get your Whitehatbox app to work. as soon as I click on the app I get the "Whitehatbox app has stopped working" message. Tried left click, right click-run as admin, installed on disk C, then on disk D, then on flask drive. Made sure that .Net 3.5 is enabled. Nothing. Any suggestions?
Greg 2015/11/12 21:41:20 0 0
Whitehatbox app not responding after clicking on TweetAttack 3 and 4Whitehatbox installed on different partition net framework 3.5 enabled...
thedreambaby 2015/11/10 20:38:26 0 0
Every time I try to open the Whitehatbox app I get a message that it stopped working. Just purchased today.
sutanlee 2015/08/09 04:03:03 0 0
Description:  Stopped workingProblem signature:  Problem Event Name:CLR20r3  Problem Signature 01:whitehatbox.exe  Problem Signature 02:  Problem Signature 03:5474b5e6  Problem Signature 04:mscorlib  Problem Signature 05:  Problem Signature 06:53a12268  Problem Signature 07:f9c  Problem Signature 08:80  Problem Signature 09:System.IO.FileNotFoundException  OS Version:6.1.7601.  Locale ID:1033Read our priva...
Seradolphi 2015/08/10 22:21:45 0 0
I thought BotChief had a free version...when i try to open it there is a request for a serial??? Where is this free version?
troyz 2015/08/09 15:06:50 0 0
I have been trying to use Botchief to receive a email from a dedicated email account and then send to another email account but I keep getting the error message "failed. Reason: No matching email..However the email does exist.Also when setting up Receive Email, sometimes "Email Body Save to" under "Scrape Content" is not available. It does not show at all. Any thoughts!
megadopebeatz 2015/05/27 22:07:15 0 0
is it possible, and if not can it be possible?I'm a TAPIII customer, and have switched from windows since they no longer support XP. The more I use ubuntu the more I hate windows. i don't plan on switching to a different OS.can it be possible to run whitehat box & TAPIII on ubuntu 14.04 with wine?
shashankscg 2015/05/05 12:58:02 0 0
Hi Guys,I get the below error when i click page 2 to check. pl resolve this....
msprecha 2015/02/19 13:44:07 0 0
I have paid you the update fee required to update to the lastest version AND sent you an email with receipt included. But you have not sent me the link or license for the UPDATE! Please respond to this request. Thank you! Linda Waiters
Jungles 2014/12/18 07:41:42 0 0
Hi Support, I wouldlike to set up my proxies once and use them on all softwares. I assume that ''Load WHB Settings'' are meant exactly for that. No mater how hard i'm looking i can not find such a possibility. Please, assist and point me where this is located and how it can be done. regards,Jungles
fnatural 2014/01/06 08:35:53 0 0
I am installing my Purchased TAP2 on VPS and install Trail TAP2 on my local computer for speedy settings .But Whitehatbox is not running on my local Winxp virtual computer please advice
Zavarzin 2015/01/16 08:12:22 0 0
My WhiteHatBox software is barely connecting to the server and almost can't install updates.Three little squares in the lower right corner are always flashing in red/yellow color meaning it can't connect.I can't update the applications. It takes me 3-4 hours to update just one application with a lot of interruptions.I almost can't access the WhiteHatBox site as well. It's aways loading....
skmarc 2014/12/09 05:12:43 0 0
Hi Yinan & Team,Thanks for the wonderful software. It has a lot of potential once we get hold of its functions, It will be a huge timesaver.Here is my Custom requirement. Will be happy if you can get it done for me. 1. There is a CSV file with a list of Ezine articles 2. The URLs need to be fetched one by one - Title & Article body needs to be extracted. Title will become the file...
jingajuice 2014/11/30 19:58:08 0 0
Hi all,I'd like to get started using the KeywordChief tool but cant see any documentation on this. Please point me in the right direction.
cheekygbeats 2014/08/12 04:40:29 0 0
I reinstall windows..  and now i cant runt  whb.  I download it from this website after  i try to run it as administrator, its ust shows that program stop working  and only 1 option that i have its to press *Find solution in internet that douesn helps*
cheekygbeats 2014/02/26 13:17:20 0 0
Already 1 month i have problem whith whitehatbox.... Its takes ages till whitehatbox connects to server... I wass waiting every day from 1 to 5 hours or more till whitebox connect to server...For example today i wait more then 6 hours and its still not...
GaryP 2014/05/15 22:54:28 0 0
Well, that's where I'm stuck.Forms with a field for a Password and directly after that another field to Confirm said Password. I get to the point where i can create a variable for the first one, but obviously the variable for the second field will be different from the first. So the form won't be validated on the server's side.Any help appreciated.
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