Ninikogo 2019/03/05 03:09:30 0 0
In FollowingLike, I am trying to launch a LIKE campaign, but the process is ending with a message "unauthorized". There is no problem with connection. Please, help me
rfurdzik 2017/01/28 10:32:13 0 0
Hi, it is launching uodate service. Loading data and than massage "update failed:.Any idea? I run software as administrator already...I have Windows 7 OS.
cmwkings333 2018/07/13 08:52:33 0 0
To Whom It May ConcernI put in a ticket but I've been waiting all night. Can I please get my serial number to work. Thanks
kameo2k 2018/06/05 08:15:09 0 0
Your product so far has had small hiccups but overall has been amazing! I have created a few bots using this software that run continuously throughout the day separately to complete specific tasks. These bots are quite elaborate, 450+ lines of commands each, but I wanted to consolidate these modules into one bot to reduce computer overhead and potentially expand my operation. I thought it would be as simple as opening the modules and dragging the commands to a newly created module but it tells m...
propertor 2018/05/27 17:14:36 0 0
Hi,Any recommendation of free or low cost VPS to host software (says FollowingLike) to run 24/7?Thank you.
pipodyer 2017/07/21 05:14:07 0 0
Hello Guys,Very interested in giving my recomendation or not to this tool! However, right from start and while my trial version is trying to update to latest version I get "UPDATE IS FAILING, TRY AGAIN LATER". I created exceptions for folder and exe of WhoiteHatBox and tried again with the same result. I even temporarily deactivated Norton and I got the same error.Any idea?
auliar21 2018/03/07 09:32:47 0 0
how to upgrade x-spinner to elite version? i have pro version
mikeinnyc 2018/02/26 02:24:00 0 0
Hello,I have a future project where I want to scrape data every one hour.Specifically, if field has data on it then scrape else if not end.How do I select fields from a program and not a web browser? I'm using Citrix Receiver and I want to scrape 3 fields.
bhave.meghna 2018/01/25 13:37:54 0 0
how to install pva creato for gmail
satyaluke 2015/04/13 10:01:15 0 0
Hi,I find difficulties to download whitehatbox setup file on this web. Can someone provide me an alternative link beside on this website.Thanks
Dismy Pos 2017/11/30 14:28:25 0 0
I want to post to groups in quick succession, but take a break between every 10 or 12 posts to prevent fb from blocking me. Can I use the sleep module to do this?How do I set this up?Thanks.
Some0ne 2016/08/21 09:40:20 0 0
I wouldn't invest a single penny in this bots!!!! It seems that  the Yahoo bots doesn't work! TweetAttack pro II doesn't work it says free and paid at TweetAttack Pro IIII but there is no free serial can't test the bots I'm very Disappointed!!!!
Karmagedon 2017/07/11 05:57:50 0 0
In the application there are so many programs and for many of them available paid and free versions.I tried to find the difference between paid and free versions on the forum and on the pages of the programs, but did not find anything (except botchief).This information is very necessary, especially for the affiliate program. I want to offer to try free versions, but I do not know the limitations.
cyberi 2017/09/29 00:49:36 0 0
I had windows 2012r server on my vps and I reformated it and installed windows 2008 server but I can't get botchief runner/editor to work . I'm getting these error . Can someone help me out?ERROR SCREENSHOOT:http://prntscr.com/gqu99ehttp://prntscr.com/gqu9jy
junren65 2017/08/16 11:10:20 0 0
In the Whitehatbox app
dawhite 2017/06/15 05:21:56 0 0
How to post "likes" to friends posts on my newsfeed in Facebook?  I'm trying to use the FollowingLikes software and the keywords field doesn't seem to fit my request.
mavillar 2017/05/27 00:54:33 0 0
Within the Whitehatbox I can not login any of the software bought!Always show Network error!What's hapening?
lorand 2017/04/24 05:51:33 0 0
I have elite version. On how many PC i use one serial number ?
Wiln8er 2017/01/28 23:18:30 1 0
I bought the Elite version 3 days ago and I have no received a serial code, I have been waiting patiently, when will i receive the email?
superpower 2016/10/02 17:13:16 0 0
TweetAttacksPro 4: Unfollow is not working. Search & Filter is ok but no unfollow. Reason, time interval. What to do?
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